web design process expressed in an illustration of lizards

Master Custom Web Design: Essential Tips for Crafting Unique Websites...

Are you considering a unique look for your business website? Custom fit web design offers a tailored experience, marking your brand’s digital footprint with distinction and aligning it with your business objectives. This article dives into the essentials of creating a custom website—discussing design elements, cost factors, and the process—that can scale with your company’s growth.


Tailored Excellence: Top Custom Web Design Strategies for Your Unique...

Why should you consider custom web design, and what sets it apart in a digital space crowded with templated sites? This article sheds light on custom web design as a tool for creating a unique and functional online hub that truly embodies your brand. From the key components of effective web design to the strategic advantages it offers, we piece together why your business stands to benefit from a custom approach.

custom web design

A Comprehensive Guide to Custom Website Design in 2023

In an era where standing out from the online crowd is crucial, custom website design offers businesses the opportunity to create a truly unique digital presence. 


The Importance of Hiring a Professional Website Designer in Lafayette,...

A well-designed website plays a significant role in attracting potential customers and boosting your brand's credibility. In Lafayette, LA, a professional website design is essential to stand out from the competition and drive more revenue in what can often be a congested market.


Are Business Cards Still Viable in Lafayette, LA?

In this digital age, where almost everything is done online, one might question the viability of traditional business cards. However, contrary to popular belief, business cards still hold immense value in the marketing world. The benefits they provide and the essential information they convey make them an indispensable tool for professionals and businesses in the Lafayette.


The Art of the Logo in Lafayette, LA

A logo is the face of a business. It is the first thing that potential customers see and associate with your brand. Therefore, it is important to create a logo that not only looks good but also represents your business in the best possible way. In this blog, we will explore the art of creating a logo for your business in Lafayette, LA.


SEO: A Game Changer for Small Businesses in Lafayette, LA...

Search engine optimization (SEO) has revolutionized the way businesses operate in Lafayette, LA and across the globe. With the help of SEO, small businesses can now compete with larger corporations on a level playing field. 


What is Google’s Algorithm and How Does it Work?

Google's algorithm is constantly evolving as they learn more about how people use their platform and what types of content perform well on their site. These evolutionary changes have led to many changes in how SEO works, and it is up to professional SEO services in Lafayette, LA to keep up with the changes and adjust accordingly.

online marketing social media

Keys to Successful Online Marketing in Lafayette: Part 2

The internet is such an important tool for businesses and consumers in the digital age.  A well-planned online marketing strategy takes advantage of every tool the internet has to offer; from social media to SEO to a well-constructed custom website in Lafayette, LA.  Hiring a business like Red Room Advertising to take care of all your online marketing needs can grow your business and save you much needed time by handling this massive undertaking for you.


Keys to Successful Online Marketing in Lafayette: Part 1

Harnessing the power of the internet in today’s digital world is key to running a successful business. While online marketing in Lafayette, LA can get expensive, the right strategy with the ability to pivot when change is needed can save and make your business money in the long-run. 

brand building lafayette la

Building your Brand with Graphic Design in Lafayette

Graphic design plays a pivotal role when building a brand, through logo design, web design, advertisement campaigns, online marketing, merchandise, and more.  Color schemes, graphics, typography, and more are all integral to a cohesive brand image that is recognizable and impactful.


2023: The Year of Inclusive UX Web Design

The smarter the internet gets, the more web designers in Lafayette, LA can customize websites to a user with what is called inclusive web design.  The word “inclusive” seems to be everywhere these days, but what does that mean for the internet in 2023?  For one thing, it recognizes that no two users interact with the internet in the same way.  

custom logo design lafayette la

New Business, New Logo: 6 Key Principles of Logo Design...

A brand-new business needs a logo for many things: business cards, signs, e-mails, stationary, etc. A great logo not only represents your business and what you do, but also sets you apart from other businesses in the same market with a simple eye-catching visual.  There are six key principles to logo design in Lafayette that will ensure your business logo is a cut above the rest. 


New Year, New Website: How to Ensure Your Website in...

Websites are no longer an “extra” in today’s modern world and are now a necessity for your business to reach its maximum potential.  Phone books are nearly obsolete, billboards only reach those who drive past them, and with smartphones being the norm, a website for your business means your advertising potential is literally in the pocket of anyone who has a phone. 


Content, Content, Content: Why SEO Matters and How to Take...

Search engine algorithms reward websites that publish regular, quality content. While Google and Bing’s algorithms change frequently and often without warning, a good web development company with in-house content creators will ensure maximum quality content and a working and up-to-date knowledge of Google and other search engines to pivot when things change.


Finding the Best Web Designer in Lafayette, LA, For You...

Where do you start when looking for the best web designer in Lafayette? Well, websites have become the new phone books. Every trustworthy company that hopes to expand and thrive must have a high-functioning website to communicate to potential and current clients that "Your business is best."


Why Lafayette Custom Website Design Beats Overused Website Templates

You may correlate custom website design in Lafayette, LA, as something that is out of your marketing price range. Yet that can't be further from the truth.


3 Ways the Right Logo Design in Louisiana Can Set...

Logo design in Louisiana is a critical part of building the foundation of your business. While it might just seem like a pretty picture, it's really an essential tool to add to your company's marketing. It will build credibility, loyalty, and familiarity with your brand.

web designer doing his job in lafayette la

5 Must Haves for your Web Design in Lafayette, LA...

Whether you’re creating a new web design or looking to revamp your current one, it’s important to know all the must-haves for a business’s web design. Be sure your web design in Lafayette, LA stands out with these essentials.

logo design trends in louisiana

Top Trending Logo Designs

So, what do all the top trending logo designs in Louisiana have in common? Let’s take a look!

web design in lafayette louisiana

Trends for Web Design in Louisiana

Design trends are always changing — and for good reasons. New trends are coming in and are set to be the face of the web in the coming years. Here are the top 3 of them. 

logo drawing in lafayette la

Logo Design Best Practices

Your company logo is one of the first things prospective customers notice about your branding, so it’s important that it packs a punch! A good logo should give consumers a taste of what your business is all about in a clear and aesthetically pleasing way. If you’re looking to revamp your logo, or create one for the first time, here are some best practice notes for logo design in Lafayette. 

Sketching web design on tablet

7 Best Practices for Web Design in Lafayette

Having great web design in Lafayette,LA is an essential tool for your business. Most consumer research and ordering happen online nowadays, so it’s important that your website gives prospective customers the right impression.

eye catching logo design in lafayette la

The Importance of an Eye-Catching Logo

If you saw the black swoosh, golden arches, or green mermaid without a business name associated with them, you’d still know what major company you’re dealing with, right? That is the power of an eye-catching and memorable logo. Why is it that these little symbols mean so much to customers? Follow along to discover how a great logo can improve your business.


Branding & Logo Design: What’s the Difference?

It’s important to have a strong brand and logo design for your online business, but first, you must fully understand the difference between both and how they affect your business.

Person's hand holding pen, drawing brainstorming ideas  for web design on white paper.

Spotlight Your Brand Through Web Design

Having a powerful and consistent brand is essential to a successful online business in 2022. One of the best ways to spotlight your brand is through creative and effective web design in Lafayette, LA. Your website tells customers everything they need to know about your brand and services or products. Make sure that it’s sending the right message!

colorful block letters spelling out "marketing"

3 End-of-Year Marketing Tips You Want to Know

As the year comes to a close, we can probably all agree the past year (2021) has been, in a word, interesting. This has been especially true for large and small businesses alike. Here, we will talk about three simple and easy-to-implement marketing tips you will definitely want to use for advertising in Lafayette, LA when closing on this year and years to come.

shot of mall down the corridor, decorated for the holidays

Merry Marketing in Lafayette, LA

As we get near the holidays, you are likely wondering what you can do for marketing in Lafayette, LA. There are so many ways you can advertise, and it can feel overwhelming trying to decide how you can best use your time and money to bring holiday shoppers to your door.

logo design in lafayette la

Logo Shapes and What They Mean

In this article, we’ll talk about a few different shapes you see every day in a business’s logo. We’ll discuss what each represents, so you can get an idea of what works best for your brand.

stacked web design books

Tips to Remember When Searching For a Web Designer

There are numerous businesses technically selling the same thing, and you need to know how you can find the web designer who is right for you. Here, we will talk about three different tips you can use to narrow down your search and find the perfect web designer in Lafayette, LA.

Drawn draft of a logo for a business. Logo is a wolf with one side shaded and the other side made from geometric lines.

Is Your Logo Design in Lafayette Outdated?

The whole idea behind a logo is for a business to be recognized immediately by an image alone. There are some brand logos so popular, there really is no way to not know them. Here are a few things to consider when it’s time to put your logo in a new light. 

desktop computer screen showing different sections of visuals for website, like colors and text.

3 Vital Web Design Tips You Need Now

Whether it’s the technology you use or visual representations, if you want your business to grow, you have to keep up with the times. Here we will give you three different vital tips to get you started on the right path to a successful website. 

Man doing logo design on tablet

Rebranding Through Logo & Website Design

What happens when your logo is falling flat or telling a different story than what you want? What do you do when you realize you are in dire need of a new website design? If you are looking to match your Lafayette, LA logo design and brand with your why and what people will remember, it is time to consider rebranding. 

Man sketching logo designs on paper

Logo Design Tips for Your Business

A logo is the first thing people will see when looking at a business. It is the first impression, and you want to make sure you are putting your best face forward. Here we’ll talk about a few logo design tips you should consider when brainstorming the look of your logo.

web design speed

Web Design and The Need For Speed

We live in an instant gratification society, and the world wide web is not an exception. So, here are a couple simple tips you can incorporate into your website design that will help with user experience and hold the attention of all who venture to your site.

web design trends

Web Design Trends Catching Eyes in 2021

What is trending and what catches the attention of the masses is constantly changing, and businesses should follow suit by updating their website to fit the interests of their client base. In this article, we will discuss five separate trends for web design and graphic design in Lafayette, LA

online advertising in lafayette la

Advertising in the Time of Corona

The Internet connects us, all at a moment's notice, and provides just about any information or product your heart desires. Now, in the middle of a pandemic, it is more crucial than ever for businesses to enter and focus on the world of digital media. 

search engine optimization lafayette la

SEO in Lafayette, LA: Constantly Morphing

Search engine optimization (SEO) has morphed over the years as people learned to exploit Google algorithms. Aware of this, Google rewrites its algorithm to prevent such tactics. In previous years, web builders used to pack websites with pages in a quantity over quality manner, using poorly written features, often duplicated, and stuffed to the brim with keywords.

being found on google

Being Found on Google in Lafayette, LA: Google Algorithms...

From an outsider’s perspective, finding things you want or need on Google is a relatively simple task: type your information in the search engine, press enter, and up pops a seemingly endless list of links to websites relevant to your query.  Being found on Google in Lafayette, LA is a different story however, and requires a working knowledge of Google’s algorithms and how to make your website appear for relevant potential customers and clients.

being found on google lafayette la

What it Means to Blog: SEO in Lafayette, LA

SEO in Lafayette, LA is crucial to a website’s visibility.   The idea behind SEO is to target keywords that are highly searched for with little competition.  Using the unique aspects of your business to create long-tail keywords (keywords that tend to bring in high-quality traffic) is one of the quickest ways to get a return on your investment when it comes to website marketability. 

seo keyword lafayette la

Quality SEO in Lafayette, LA: The Long-tail Keyword

Choosing highly-searched keywords for SEO involves a little research and a lot of thinking like a potential customer or client.  Some keywords are simple and involve the most basic search terms relevant to your website.  However, these keywords tend to have high competition and will not always bring in customers relevant to the specifics of your business. Long-tail keywords make up the bulk of searches and bring in quality traffic.

search engine optimization lafayette la

SEO in Lafayette, LA: Why is it so Important?

Search engine optimization (SEO) sounds more complicated than it actually is.  The idea behind SEO is to make it easier for search engines, like Google, Bing or DuckDuckGo, to determine your website’s relevance to a keyword search by a user.

online advertising lafayette la

Online Advertising in Acadiana: Using Social Media to Boost Business...

Social media online advertising in Lafayette, LA is a surefire way to drum up consistent business from day one.  It targets users on social media platforms who will find your business relevant. With social media advertising, you can expect a faster return on investment (ROI) than more traditional avenues of online advertising and at a lesser cost.

web design lafayette la SEO best

Web Design in Lafayette, LA: SEO Best Practices

Web design in Lafayette, LA utilizing SEO best practices will keep your website ahead of those that do not.   

web design lafayette la and social media

Web Design in Lafayette, LA and Social Media: Better Together...

Using web design in Lafayette, LA in conjunction with social media can boost your web presence if you find it is floundering.  Keeping customers and clients updated is a great way to connect.

custom web design lafayette la

Web Design in Lafayette, LA: Completely Custom

Custom web design in Lafayette, LA ensures a unique, one-of-a-kind website.  With nearly every business taking to the web these days, a website that stands out is essential to grabbing a customer's attention.

responsive web design lafayette la

Responsive Web Design in Lafayette, LA

Responsive web design in Lafayette, LA allows users to browse websites on all devices in an easy-to-use, easy-to-see format.  Without responsive web design, websites on mobile phones would be difficult to view.

questions to ask web designer lafayette la

Questions to Ask your Web Designer in Lafayette, LA

Web design in Lafayette, LA is a busy market, and there are many companies to choose from. Choosing the right one for you is largely up to personal preference and budget.  Asking a set block of questions increases your chances of being highly satisfied with who you choose.

web design lafayette la

Web Design in Lafayette: Hiring a Small Business

Hiring a small business for web design in Lafayette, LA ensures top-notch service and skilled design marketed for the region.  Web design in Lafayette, LA is a growing business, and hiring a small, local company helps the local economy and means the person building your website understands the area.




A professionally built web site is no longer a luxury for serious business people, but a necessity. Quality Web Design puts your business’ best foot forward and shows potential customers that you care about the quality and professionalism of your visual identity. All Red Room custom web sites are built tailor fit for you. There are no cookie cutter templates around here.


Logo Design is one of Red Room’s top skills. A great logo design can mean the difference between someone taking your business seriously, or laughing you out the door. Every great business deserves a great logo that portrays to a customer the look and feel of what you’re about. Let Red Room develop a seriously sweet logo and branding package for you.


Graphic Design including printed goods, promotional items and much more are another major service we offer. All printed goods are designed, proofed, and sent off to the printers in house. General graphic design plus business cards, brochures, stickers, folders, letterhead and much more can all be done under the same roof as your web design, logo design, and online services.


Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is a big business for those who want to use the world’s largest information base – the internet – to their advantage. Having your site rank on top of online search results is worth a lot of new business. Gain more potential customers, more leads, and be more visible online through our SEO services. Make your web site work for you!


At Red Room, we pride ourselves on outstanding image quality. Our web design and branding customers have the option to utilize our in-house photography service to enhance their design projects at a fraction of the cost of hiring a freelance photographer. Rest assured our photography services are absolutely top-notch with the highest end equipment available.


Private Cloud…sounds complicated, but it isn’t. Don’t you ever wish your small business or sales team could have its own online system that allowed you to collaborate effectively across all devices, anywhere in the world? What about simple sharing of large files with customers on a secure and privately hosted cloud environment branded to match you? We’ve got just the thing.